6 Closet Cleaning Tips To (Finally!) Get Your Wardrobe Organized

By JohnBarnes

Imagine this: Your closet is clean and neat. You can see the options for today’s outfits and pieces that you love in your closet. You don’t have to live in a “Clueless” scene. This can be your reality. Here are some closet cleaning tips. We know how difficult it is to clean out your closet. You might find items that you no longer need or want, but you feel the need to keep them because of their past. This major task can be daunting. We are here to help. Six tried-and-true tips have been compiled (yes, we tested them ourselves!) Closet cleaning tips.

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1. Flip your hangers

Are you able to identify which of your clothes you own and which are taking up space in the closet? Most likely, you answered yes. However, as you go through your hangers, you may find that you don’t remember when you last wore that sweater. To get clearer on what you wear, flip your hangers so that the hooks face the back of your closet. Flip the hanger to its original position as you wear each item. You can wait three, six, or one year depending on how often you use your entire closet. After the time period ends, get rid of any items that are still on a backward hanger. It’s slow work, but it is an effective way to find out what pieces are taking up space in your closet.

2. Ask yourself, “Does this bring you joy?”

Did you know about the “Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up?” Marie Kondo, the author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, has created an empire based on the idea that nothing should be kept that does not bring you joy. Although it sounds silly, you should try it. Grab that shirt you kept because it was the first day of college. It is yours to hold. Is it a source of joy? You can either give it away or keep it. Kondo says that you can be grateful for items and not feel guilty about parting with them. You’re ready to get rid of that pile of junk from the past. Her book, KonMari, outlines how to organize your stuff and gives you practical tools to do it. Goop created this folding guide from her book. This method works well for organizing your closets.

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3. Sell your clothes

There are a variety of ways to sell used clothes. You can choose the best method for you, and then you can make a list of clothes that you would like to sell. Here’s the tricky part. It’s possible that you won’t ever make the trip to Buffalo Exchange or open a Poshmark account. It’s interesting to see how much you are willing to part with if you think you can make some money. You’ll also get some extra cash if your clothes are sold.

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4. Organise by color

This is a popular closet cleaning tip. You can organize your closet by color for many benefits. It helps you identify duplicates. You may not be aware that you have six different black shirts until you see them all together. You will be able to make better decisions about which shirts you keep once the similarities are obvious. One black shirt can be a tee or a pullover. The other is an athletic shirt. All three are good choices. However, those three black blouses may not be necessary. Organizing your closet by color can have an ongoing benefit. If your closet looks clean and organized, you will be more motivated to keep it that manner. We believe that the KonMari folding system is very effective. A color-coded closet can be a motivator.

5. Everything is possible

Don’t hate us. If you really want to clean out your closet, it is worth the effort to get everything out and take any hanging items off their hangers. Although it might seem time-consuming at first, it will ultimately save you time and help you get rid of unnecessary items. Start with your most loved pieces as you organize your closet. You’ll get tired of trying to put everything back together by the end. It’s clear that you don’t care enough about the clothing if you refuse to do the hard work of putting it back on the hanger and folding the pants. It’s gone to the giveaway pile!

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6. It’s all good!

It is not easy to give up clothing. Take baby steps. You can start by cleaning out your giveaway box. Tape the box shut and store it. You can always retrieve an item that you regret taking out of your closet. You’ll probably like the feeling of a well-organized closet with only clothes you love, and will want to keep it clean.